My dear community,
I am slowly reopening for acupuncture and can welcome you to a space that is relatively very low risk.
After scheduling an in-office visit, 36 hours prior to your appointment, you will receive an automated questionnaire which includes screening questions and a list of updated procedures. If there is any need to reschedule your appointment, you will not be charged a fee.
Updates for Health and Safety
My colleagues and I have made many changes to our shared space and procedures in alignment with state orders, public health authorities, governing board recommendations, and after much careful deliberation.
- We have given attention to and upgraded air filtration and ventilation systems.
- Our reception area is closed to prevent lingering and to allow for social distance.
- Disinfection of all frequently touched surfaces occurs after each patient visit.
- Visitors are encouraged to use the bathroom before their appointment, and to wait to use the bathroom until returning home after their appointment.
- Visits are staggered and spaced to allow for adequate disinfection and ventilation.
- Hand sanitizer is available throughout the office.
- All providers and visitors are thoroughly screened for COVID-19 symptoms and contact with others.
- All providers and visitors have their temperature taken with a touchless thermometer before entering the space.
- All providers wear medical-grade masks, and all visitors are required to wear a mask.
- All screening, pre-treatment interviews, scheduling, and payment is done by phone or automated systems.
- I keep my time in the treatment room short, limited to the time necessary to provide treatment. Recommendations and instructions will be emailed whenever possible.
These procedures are subject to change as more information and treatment becomes available.
Acknowledging Risk
Through this period I have experienced and been witness to immense waves of uncertainty, frustration, anxiety, fear, peace and calm, resolution, and resilience. Whichever wave you are riding right now, that is okay. If you do not feel safe making an appointment, I understand and support your decision.
I welcome any questions you have about your safety coming to my office. It does pose a risk.

You may schedule online as usual. You may also email me.
All new patient visits for medical acupuncture will be split into two parts: 1) a one hour virtual visit to discuss health history, goals, and treatment plan, and 2) a one hour in-office acupuncture treatment.
Cosmetic acupuncture, cupping, and gua sha treatments are on hold moving forward.
Virtual Visits
Virtual Visits have been a wonderful option for many of you and are still available.
Thank you so much for your patience!
Warm good wishes,
Betsy Gordon, LAc